Friday, February 08, 2013

2013 Disc Golf Event

Highbridge Hills Sports Complex

The 2013 Annual Disc Golf Event has been planned and scheduled. The official location this year is a revisit to the disc golf complex in Highbridge, WI. The Highbridge Hills Sports Complex is a mecca of disc golf challenges and entertainment. Most of the other guys were able to attend this trip in 2011 as a bachelor weekend event before Diggs' wedding. They were able to experience what has to be the longest single hole ever and one of the most challenging and technical forest courses around.

One of the fun things to look forward to is staying at the Honka House. Looking forward to that as well.
Honka House

I am personaly not going to miss this for anything. Can't wait for June.

Warm up those throwing arms everyone. Good luck.


Diggs said...

Dude! Super-pumped myself! Let's get it on!

Mid Range King said...

I can't wait to unleash some blizzard plastic on the longest hole in the world. Also looking forward to retaining the trophy round disc.

Diggs said...

I can't wait not to completely shank my drive off the longest hole in the world. Also, looking forward to winning back the trophy disc on the course I first won it.