Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Fantasy Maps

I know I promised my response to Highbridge was forthcoming, however, I had to make this post instead. I hope you will see why. In the end, I leave for a conference tomorrow morning, plane departure at 6:45am. I'm not sure, but this means that I likely will not be able to complete my first course review until I return. The upside is that I have half of the post completed already.

And on with the post...

As you may have noticed (or not because it was a fairly non-descript change), we have made a long desired addition to the blog. We have, on the right side under "pages", added a course map designed to display those courses our members have played. It is far from complete, but even now you can get a sense of the breadth of experience we have. If you are a Cold Lamper and have an addition, let me know and I'll get it up there in short order.

The second update I have concerns two distinct pastimes that I know most of us enjoy: fantasy sports and disc golf. We now have the opportunity to combine the two. That's right... fantasy disc golf! Deadline is the end of February. I'm down if you are...

Short, simple, and important post. I hope you enjoy the map. I'm sure it'll grow in complexity and information as I spend more time on it. But now I need to get some sleep. See you on the flip side!

1 comment:

Mid Range King said...

I was honestly thinking the same thing when I saw the link on I'm definitely in.