Hello Friends!
I am new to this blog, but let me tell you all I am quite excited to post my best round at Sertoma ever...nay, my best round anywhere...ever!! I am fairly new to the sport, but I am quite addicted as of late, and today was a beautiful addition to my disc golf escapades. My first nine holes I ever played I posted a 36 which blew my mind...from there I went downhill, but since I have been posting 35, 36, 37 fairly regularly. (I have been playing less than a month) Early this week I played my best round at 34, which I have since repeated.
Which brings us to today...Day of days...a beautiful 80 degrees and a 10 mile-per-hour breeze...overlooking both Nebraska and Iowa on the hill which is all at once the bane and highlight of one's disc golf game...using my Champ Eagle, Archangel, a putter, and a well-seasoned Valk that I found on the hill (and which manages to be my favorite disc by far)...I posted a score of 32...one under the official par, despite Diggs' (and others) claims it should be otherwise!!!
I played the first 7 holes with my good friend Sean, who is new to the game and excellent with his Teebird...don't underestimate this man if you ever see him on the hill...he hardly ever plays, and the first time I played a round with him, he owned Sertoma, posting a 33. I think they are thinking about renaming the course after him. Being a new kid, you can understand my excitement at my new personal best...and you can bet I will be hitting up Sertoma again tomorrow...amidst the rain!!! Maybe Wes could come down in his galoshes and play a round...Anyway, he had to go, so I came back a couple hours later, knewing I was on track to break my personal best.
Yesterday's Round:
Yesterday was a truly breathtaking day at Sertoma...they mowed!!!! (For the first time since I've played disc golf...I feel your pains, fellow Sertoma regulars) It was sunny with a High of 75...just a light breeze to cool my brow...freshly mowed...absolutely georgeous!!! I am beginning to feel a fondness for Sertoma despite the highbrow snobbery towards it my fellow compartiots harbor. (much love to you Diggs for getting me started...you will be held high in esteem for showing me the ropes...but Sertoma is my home course, and I have to defend its beauty...I know deep down you love it as well:o) Anyway, I was on hole 6, doing ok and loving life, when I shanked my drive towards Wal-Mart...I was closer to hitting the home plate at the Explorer's Field than the basket. I thought my Valk, the greatest disc I have had the pleasure of throwing, was as lost as Waldo in a candy can factory. I repelled down the hill for what I thought was a fruitless venture to find my beloved disc, and there I prayed as all bad golfers pray, asking God to show me the disc or show someone else the disc who would appreciate its mad flight skills. In about 5 minutes I found the disc, and while I scaled Mount Sertoma I sung the doxology along with all of the insects, rabbits, trees, and the mount itself. It seems silly and quite melodramatic to retell the story, but it meant a lot to me.
I don't mean to over-spiritualize my disc golf experience, (nor do I mean to be branded a wild-eyed, raving, disc golf preacher dude) but I was struck by how we all cry out to God when we are lost, in the dark, suffering, searching for our lost, inconsequential discs and neglect the rest of those precious opportunities to talk to Him when we are playing a great round, going about our work, talking to our loved ones...all the wanderings, the suffering, the silent, dark times that put us painfully in a position to reach out to Him who is forever reaching...maybe it is the only way to cut through the fog and meet with us. It is funny that I understood more of what seems most often as a trite platitude on the hill, searching for an old piece of plastic amidst golf balls and trees, grass and dirt...
Sorry if my pictures suck...I am new to this blogging business...I probably would have been better off using finger paints...I plan on playing the Vermillion course on Saturday...I will let you gents know how it all turns out...